Happy New Year Everyone!! Wow, what a year it has been for me!! That is due to all of you!! So, from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU!!!

Going into 2024, there are going to be some changes, so I wanted to give everyone the same amount of time to adjust or make adjustments, if needed.

Unfortunately, as much as I have tried to avoid it, as of March 1st, I do have to go up $25.00 across the board for flat rates (most regular residential homes). Last increase, I was able to exclude existing customers and charge the new accounts the new rate. I must go up on everyone this time and I am terribly sorry!! For hourly jobs, the charge was $45.00 per hour per person. That is going up to $55.00 per hour per person. Some of you are on the punch card program; that will be going away as well!  I’m so sorry! I will be doing special’s every now and then.. With that being said, please make sure I have your birthdays! Also, let me know if anyone is or was in the military! And as always there is a $25.00 discount for any successful referral!

Also, we are no longer taking monthly jobs. If you are currently a monthly, that is fine, please be patient while we work you into the schedule. My goal is to get you back on a set schedule. 

Keep in mind that we are still trying to hire as Savannah can only work 10-3 M-W-F. If anyone knows of anyone looking for a job and would be a good fit let me know! I will have to have a background check done on anyone who applies. If it works out for more than 2 months, I’ll have a reward of some sort for you. Most of you know that my Husband, Marc, switched to 2nd shift to help out but we discovered that help in the afternoons are where we need it the most, so we are just waiting for him to be able to switch back.

Thank you all for your loyalty! I completely understand if you would like to look elsewhere. All I ask is to please give me notice so I have time to fill the spot!

